«Pan» by Vrubel, poetic world of Akhmadulina, and 1990-s discussion on culture

  • A.V. Markov

    A.V. Markov. Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow. Russia


Abstract. In the verses of Bella Akhmadulina dated 1999—2000, the image of Pan (Faun) becomes the central moment of cultural discussion, which, through references to Vrubel draws closer to lilac, its color and Easter symbols. It is proved that the frequency of this image is part of
the implicit dialogue of the poetess with the priest Georgy Chistyakov, who underestimated Akhmadulina’s place in modern poetic culture and put Pan and panic closer to the anti-poetic philistine habits. At the same time, many remarks by priest George were aimed at a productive
discussion  of  the  future  of  poetry,  arguing  that  only  young  poets  would  resurrect  it. Akhmadulina sees in Syringe and Pan symbols of youth, and in her mood of writing about them the involvement of this projected poetry. Akhmadulina didn’t condemn superstitions, as priest
George did, seeing in them a first stage of freedom from fear: where the priest praises today Christian Greeks as an example of wisdom, Akhmadulina tried to find wisdom in some free aesthetic obsessions of her poetic generation. The dialogue can be traced also in discussion about «oldies» by Pushkin and his everlasting liveliness, while the replicas of both authors here were complementary. Akhmadulina shares the questions posed by Georgy Chistyakov, but gives answers based on her local situation and fidelity to Russian culture.
Keywords: Akhmadulina, Pan, mythology, Orthodox calendar, George Chistyakov, Vrubel.